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SheraT|O|N|E| _ where "One" means "Tre" [three]. Three producers on One project.

Sheratone involves vibes and numbers: their sets vary by the number of hands on desks, as the floor wants. Sheratone is made up of three Italian guys: Leandro, Francesco and Dave.

Sheratone DJ

Art teaches that not only the originality of your product is important, but also its authenticity.

Hey guys, thank you for your participation and for such a great interest to our magazine.

To start with, I would like to ask you to introduce yourself.

Hi Giulia, thank you so much for giving us the chance to be interviewed by such a cool and young magazine.

We’re Leandro, Dave and Francesco, we are all from Puglia, Italy, but based in different parts in Italy and Germany.

How was the “SHERATONE” project born? Why did you choose the name “SHERATONE”?

SHERATONE started in 2019, when Leandro D’Introno was tired of playing as DJ and wanted to do something of his own. He used to have ideas, but was not able to produce music. Actually, nobody knew if the ideas were even valid or not.

Anyway, Art teaches that not only the originality of your product is important, but also its authenticity. At this point, Leandro asked Dave Pedrini and another Italian producer to make his ideas a reality. Both of them accepted immediately, but after a few months one guy quit because of personal issues so Leandro started to produce music to support Dave. After a few months, Francesco Vangi joined the team.

SHERATONE comes from share-a-tone, because our idea is that sharing goals and projects is what makes artists stronger.

Sheratone DJ

You all live in three different cities; how do you manage it?

Can we skip this question? If not, we will try to make it easy: when you want to make something, you just have to do it. You will face many problems, but you will find solutions. It’s even true that a lot of our tracks are literally designed by audios on WhatsApp: every edit we have to make, we sing it on WhatsApp and each of us tries to give his own interpretation. Believe us, our chats can turn in a useful tool to ridicule us in the future.

During the quarantine period, I saw that you developed an amazing project called “Home Dance Party”. How was it? Do you think to do it again, even when we’re going to have our “normal” lifestyle back? Tell us a little bit about it, please.

Home Dance Party was kind of a crazy experience. If we think about it now, it looks so far away in the past, but it was just a few months ago. The project was launched by a girl from Alba, Piedmont, Serena Manoni, in collaboration with Leandro. They wanted to make something different during the quarantine. DJ sets in streaming on Facebook and Instagram were always the same (sometimes not very attractive), so they decided to create a virtual party as concrete as possible, and a video call was the best solution. SHERATONE gave immediately a great support to this idea, but we were just a small part of the project that involved more popular artists like The Deepshakerz or Emilio Kickside from BoomDaBash.

Recently, I saw on your IG profile that you have published a new track called “Ba Ba Tasting” and the ranking is going even better! How much have you worked on it?

Ba Ba Tasting, the original version, was basically our first track ever. Dave created it for himself, but when Leandro listened to it, he loved it (and changed it almost entirely).

Fortunately, Davide Mazzilli, an Italian producer and owner of a tech house music label, appreciated the track and decided to produce it, and he made a great remix for us. Ba Ba Tasting remixed by Davide Mazzilli has been on 23rd position of tech house world chart on Traxsource for a while.

What kind of goals do you want to reach with your music?

Francesco and Leandro have always been Djs who used to play tracks produced by other colleagues, instead Dave is an experience producer. At the moment, we are just happy to see if people like our tracks, nothing more.

Are you planning some important collaborations with any other artist?

We have some projects, but still in our heads. For sure, we will collaborate with the great and young Italian producer Sasa Di Toma, who has ultimately published some very cool tech house track with very popular labels. We’re curious about the outcome of a collaboration with him.

Sheratone DJ music producers

Great! And if you could collaborate with an international Dj, which one would you choose?

Martin Ikin. We really love his productions and our DJ sets are actually full of his tracks. Also Nicolas Jaar which is a little bit far from our style, but wonderful as well.

Would you like to exhibit at any events? If yes, which one?

We’ve all grown up with Defected music label, so playing at their events would be a dream. Anyway, we’re Italian so we support initiatives from our country, and we’re great fans of Social Music City which takes place in Milan.

What about your artistic influences?

Hard question. Leandro used to play drums in a new wave band when he was a teenager, but he loves Daft Punk and alternative music, and House music as well. Dave really loves classic house music, and our project has been a big challenge for him since he has never produced house music influenced by tech house. Francesco has a very underground and techno soul.

What kind of music do you prefer to produce?

We would have produced tech house music, but our influences are so many that we decided to mix different sounds. Our friends say that it is house music, so do we.

Lastly, as you know, our magazine’s name is “dare” and I would like to take advantage of this moment to ask you: what does “dare” mean to you?

In Italian language, “dare” means “to give”, not so far from “share-a-tone” if you think about it. But answering to your question, I would simply say that "dare" for us means proposing ourselves in an already saturated market of artists and betting on our ideas. It’s the biggest challenge for us.

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