Mauro is a football coach and general manager of teams that he managed in different part of the globe from USA to the Gulf from China to Gibraltar. His mindset is strong and open to listening and teaching with a strong focus towards younger generations and their accomplishment as sport-players and human beings. He is one of those person that - silently - work to make the world a better place.
Mauro what is for you the ultimate meaning of sport?
“The true meaning of sport is not to win a match, but to fight back against the enemies that hide in one’s mind. Now we have to fight back against ourselves”.
Challenge is therefore an important element in your professional life. What are your feelings about the challenges that we are facing in these days?
The entire world is going through an unprecedented and tragic situation, the Covid-19 pandemic, which has completely changed our routine, activities, relationships, basically our whole existence. Soon many people realised that their comfort zone is not inside them, but it’s actually what surrounds them.
“In the middle of difficulties lies opportunity” do you think this statement has a truth in it? And how do you see this applied to sport particular more junior categories of soccer?
Rebellious people are the ones suffering the most, as well as people who are used to receive approval from the outside, who had to change their way of playing. The ones who stick to the rules and cooperate are going to improve, definitely.
Just like the other sports, junior soccer also had to find an alternative way to grow, focusing more on the mind, which is a motor system embedded and embodied in its context, so thought, memory, awareness, perception and motivation are the products of constructive motor skills.
A huge challenge …
You trained and managed teams in different parts of the world from China to Gibraltar, from the Gulf to USA. In your work and interaction with young players and team what is the peculiarity of your approach?
When I train my young players, the aspect of playing on the field is always present, but I also encourage them to find something more to do, like reading, watching videos to improve their technique, writing, and there is even someone who wants to become a great pianist…
Now it’s the right time to push ourselves to do more, to look inside us; we just need to search and find what one day will make a difference for us.
Five minutes more after the training can make the difference, just like basketball, where a single minute can be crucial for the entire season; that’s amazing.
And how about your thoughts for younger generation?
So, now that we found other ways of training, we need to focus on how we can go back to our normal life, as better people, stronger than before.
Young people always imitate someone who is like a hero for them; this happens because their minds are still very flexible.
Interview and Article by
Riccardo Aimerito